Friday, August 6, 2010

Worries and bounces :)

There comes a time in your life when you realise just how much you miss your childhood.

All those worriless days of doing cartwheels accross the lawn, catching tadpoles in the park pond and wearing miss-matching clothes and getting away with it are long gone.

I realise this at the same time I realise the essays are swamping me, the hsc is getting closer and closer with each day and people are characterising you into different stereotypical groups. Even now, writing this blog, it is becoming clearer and clearer to me that this is less a hobby and more like procrastinationg, that is making me lose marks on my essays and tests with each passing minute.

I long to return to those childhood memories as I curl up and wish all the pressures of growing up would just pass me by. But looking at my past experiences, this is not the way to deal with such a pain. My advice to those who may read this is to take a minute to not only remember memories of the good old days but to also take time out of that busy study schedule to take part in the little pleasures of life. I suggest taking part in such rituals as licking the bowl after baking a cake, sitting in the sun with a watermelon as big as your head or simply jumping on the trampoline and letting your worries slowly disappear with every bounce.

I hope these little joys brighten up your day as much as they did mine. I realise now that those times have past us but we can still make the best of a bad situation.

growing OLD is inevitable. growing UP is optional.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Minute monsters and sweet pink cupcakes

Baby sitting. Easy money? Or your worst nightmare? Well, when you have to sit on a baby like the one i do, the latter question is slightly more relevant. But of course I need money and so when I'm offered a five hour job, I can't turn it down.

Five Hours.

At least three of those have to involve keeping the minute monster entertained and there is only so much barbie hair plaiting I can do without going completely mental. And there is only so many sweet pink cupcakes I can help her make without feeling as though I am going to puke.

But of course, there is always a way out of these sorts of situations. There is a small advantage to this child being but 6 years old...

She doesn't completely understand the concept of time.

All I have to do to get her into bed at a time that suits me rather than her is change the clocks. And even if she protests at the top of her lungs for half an hour straight, I can still get her asleep waaaay before her bedtime.

Children really are a lot sweeter and less sticky when they are asleep and out of your way.

Chaching! Life really is a lot better when you can sit around for four hours doing nothing and knowing you are getting paid for it!