Friday, July 30, 2010

Minute monsters and sweet pink cupcakes

Baby sitting. Easy money? Or your worst nightmare? Well, when you have to sit on a baby like the one i do, the latter question is slightly more relevant. But of course I need money and so when I'm offered a five hour job, I can't turn it down.

Five Hours.

At least three of those have to involve keeping the minute monster entertained and there is only so much barbie hair plaiting I can do without going completely mental. And there is only so many sweet pink cupcakes I can help her make without feeling as though I am going to puke.

But of course, there is always a way out of these sorts of situations. There is a small advantage to this child being but 6 years old...

She doesn't completely understand the concept of time.

All I have to do to get her into bed at a time that suits me rather than her is change the clocks. And even if she protests at the top of her lungs for half an hour straight, I can still get her asleep waaaay before her bedtime.

Children really are a lot sweeter and less sticky when they are asleep and out of your way.

Chaching! Life really is a lot better when you can sit around for four hours doing nothing and knowing you are getting paid for it!